I never had much luck with wordpress. It wasn't just the fact that I always was frustrated and spending way to much time just figuring out how to do the most basic tasks (like post a blog) instead of writing. I also had issues with the host I had chosen to support my wordpress site. I kept getting hacked. I have never once been hacked while using Weebly (that I know of) and I found that using my weebly site I would spend an hour online and I would actually accomplish something and feel happy instead of like I wanted to kill my computer. You get my drift.
So if you are looking for a fun,healthy hobby (aren't all hobbies) that you can do while you are on the road, maybe think about starting a blog and or a small business using Weebly. I use Weebly Pro which for around 50 bux a year gives me hosting and support plus drag and drop easy to design website building tools, for 10 websites with all the bells and whistles, You can also start a "free weebly website". It just doesn't have some of the cool features like video. That is why I have put their links up around this website I actually use the product and like it! and right now all of my websites are done using Weebly Pro! (yes I am an affiliate and will make a few dollars if you sign up for(Weebly Pro) using my link. This will not effect your price, and it will help support this website!
Weebly is not for everyone. If you have the time and are pretty good with computers many hardcore Internet Business types are running successful businesses using wordpress.org One very successful Online Publisher is Gary Scott at http://www.garyascott.com and he uses wordpress.org I have also heard good things about Hostgator for your webhosting, Eventually I plan on biting the bullet and doing another website using Wordpress.org, For now, Weebly has treated me right! I don't think you can go wrong using them. (you can also move your website to wordpress later if you so choose). Well, wish me luck and I wish you the same Driver if you decide to start a website and have any questions I can answer, shoot me an email at http://[email protected] Thank You and have a wonderful day....B