Even if you don't sign up for his course you will get a lot out of his E mailed articles he sends out most day's. here is the link to the Stress Relief article http://www.garyascott.com/?utm_source=Gary+A.+Scott+Newsletter&utm_campaign=ed47e97a77-Succeed_Inspite_of_Change_Stress5_31_2011&utm_medium=email
Gary Scott talks about how he and his wife Merri are able to stay focused and relaxed using Classical Music, Theanine, (an active ingredient in green tea) and Meditation. I have used several of Gary Scott's Courses for starting an internet Biz as well as investing. One thing I like about Gary's E mails is that they almost always have something interesting and or of value to his readers!
Even if you don't sign up for his course you will get a lot out of his E mailed articles he sends out most day's. here is the link to the Stress Relief article http://www.garyascott.com/?utm_source=Gary+A.+Scott+Newsletter&utm_campaign=ed47e97a77-Succeed_Inspite_of_Change_Stress5_31_2011&utm_medium=email
Ok, So If you are interested in finding over the counter help for Anxiety and Depression then here is something that may be of interest. I was talking with a friend of mine that happens to be an M.D. he is really into taking natural supplements to support wellness. He told me about an over the counter nutrient called L-Folate. L-Folate is an easier to assimilate form of folic acid. According to what I was told as well as my research Some of us have a condition where our bodies don't produce or assimilate Folic Acid in adequate amounts. This can have all kinds of negative effects contributing to problems like Alzheimer's, Depression, Anxiety, Diebetes and a whole lot more potential problems. Here is a link to an interesting article regarding L Folate and Senior Citizens, http://mailman2.u.washington.edu/pipermail/phnutr-l/2007-February/018254.html when you buy it in the store or amazon you want to look for " 5-MTHF" (that is the good stuff that your body absorbs the best) The kind I bought was 1 mg. and there where 60 capsules in the Bottle, It cost me 16.70 at my local pharmacy. which I am going to take 1 to 3 times per day. If you are suffering from depression you can always ask your Dr to test your blood to make sure you have adequate Folic Acid. I also read that it is important to have enough Vitamin B 12 with your Folic Acid. So I jumped on my Bicycle and road down to the only Pharmacy in town that carries the 5-MTHF and bought some. I also bought some vitamin B-12. It would have been cheaper to have ordered it from Amazon but I needed the Bike Ride and didn't feel like waiting. Potential Help For Anxiety or Depression Potential over the counter Help for Anxiety and Depression B-12 and L-Folate. Keep in Mind that I am no Doctor and this could be flawed or wrong information. I would highly recommend consulting with your M.D. before Trying this or any other Supplement. Thx B I went to the health food store and bought Raw Almonds, Walnuts,Pumpkin Seeds, Brewers Yeast, Almond Milk, and dates. This is all it takes for a supper Charged Green Breakfast take a handful of each of the Nuts and sprinkle into bowl, a couple Tablespoons of Brewers Yeast on top and sweeten with Raw Organic Sugar, or Honey, and enjoy. Walnuts and Almonds have been shown to lower bad cholesterol and Pumpkin seeds are great for the prostate and get rid of Parasites too! Also Walnuts are considered to be really good for the Brain!
A few years ago I decided I wanted to learn about the internet and see if it was possible to actually make money on line. The internet is pretty infinite when it comes to stuff to learn and even after a few years I still often feel like a rank beginner. I think that is one reason I enjoy it so much. As for the money aspect, I have spent far more than i have made but It doesn't matter to much because I actually enjoy learning about this stuff. Anyway, my first two websites I did where highwaymol.com and highwaymanonline. http://www.highwaymanonline.com highwaymol was a wordpress site and highwaymanonline is a weebly site.
I never had much luck with wordpress. It wasn't just the fact that I always was frustrated and spending way to much time just figuring out how to do the most basic tasks (like post a blog) instead of writing. I also had issues with the host I had chosen to support my wordpress site. I kept getting hacked. I have never once been hacked while using Weebly (that I know of) and I found that using my weebly site I would spend an hour online and I would actually accomplish something and feel happy instead of like I wanted to kill my computer. You get my drift. So if you are looking for a fun,healthy hobby (aren't all hobbies) that you can do while you are on the road, maybe think about starting a blog and or a small business using Weebly. I use Weebly Pro which for around 50 bux a year gives me hosting and support plus drag and drop easy to design website building tools, for 10 websites with all the bells and whistles, You can also start a "free weebly website". It just doesn't have some of the cool features like video. That is why I have put their links up around this website I actually use the product and like it! and right now all of my websites are done using Weebly Pro! (yes I am an affiliate and will make a few dollars if you sign up for(Weebly Pro) using my link. This will not effect your price, and it will help support this website! Weebly is not for everyone. If you have the time and are pretty good with computers many hardcore Internet Business types are running successful businesses using wordpress.org One very successful Online Publisher is Gary Scott at http://www.garyascott.com and he uses wordpress.org I have also heard good things about Hostgator for your webhosting, Eventually I plan on biting the bullet and doing another website using Wordpress.org, For now, Weebly has treated me right! I don't think you can go wrong using them. (you can also move your website to wordpress later if you so choose). Well, wish me luck and I wish you the same Driver if you decide to start a website and have any questions I can answer, shoot me an email at http://[email protected] Thank You and have a wonderful day....B I think the combination of spring time, (seems like my appetite goes down). My Hunger Free diet, and Gardening are helping me drop the pounds pretty fast. Not that I care, slow weight loss is fine. I am in this for the long haul! Click on Photo and it will Expand! Ok. see those weeds on the left? I pulled those. See that shovel? I am turning the soil by hand. See the ancient Rototiller? It is just a decoration. Combine that with my hunger free trucker diet, I am now under 300 lbs! Peace Out! B I got home this afternoon and decided to jump on the scale even though I usually do this in the A.M. I was pleased to see I am down to 303 pounds.
A lot of people would be upset or pissed off if they where dieting and hadn't really lost any weight in three weeks, personally Im not in the least bit unhappy about it. Why should I be? I also haven't gained weigh either. Remember, this is no race. In truth this is no diet at all. It is really an Anti-Diet! I eat as much as I want. I just don't eat before bed. preferably six hours before, however, there are times that family and life circumstances dictate that this is not possible.
When this happens you just have to cut yourself some slack and realize that you are in this for the long haul. Its ok once in a while to let down your hair so to speak break the rules as long as it is in the interest of a higher good, like spending time with loved ones or having fun. Having fun, is the fourth pillar of health. Terrie has been working long hours and isn't making it home until late. We ended up going over to my friend Hassan's ( a top notch Chef) about 7 pm and didn't eat until almost 10:00. We did eat a lot of excellent Goat Cheese,Olives, Crackers and a few of bottles of nice but not to expensive (around seven bux) Red Diamond Merlot. Terrie and I also found ourselves dancing to the Excellent Caribbean Music Hassan was Playing, before sitting down for Moroccan Egg Plant with Chicken and Rice. I was pleased this a.m. when I clambered onto the scale and found I was at 307!! I guess It must have been the dancing lol. At any rate, after watching the scale only move up! for the last eight years of my life for the first time It keeps going down or stays put. Remember, we are in this for the long haul, and because My Trucker Diet/ Anti-Diet is hunger free and very easy to do, I know that in the long run, we will succeed and keep losing the rest of the weight!! B I though I would post this link in order to give folks a perspective on what its like driving a car hauler through California and Nevada in the winter. http://youtu.be/ZWDPsj5SgDM
I decided to see if I could make a video of me doing the Kettlebell Swing. I was surprised at how easy it was to do using weebly, imovie, and my MacBooks little video Camera! I kept forgetting to turn on the video camera so I ended up doing about 5 sets of 15 lol.
After delivering cars to Tote in Fife Wa, I decided to stop and have Breakfast at Bob's Pier It is in a huge industrial area so there is lots of truck parking around and even Parking around back with room for a few semi's though watch out for the potholes. This Place has a 16 oz hamburger that tastes delicious but you will be hard pressed to finnish! To get to Bobs take exit 137 heading south off of the I 5 just turn right at the end of the off ramp and then head strait for about three miles until it basically dead ends at a flashing red light then turn left Bobs will be on your Left. Last night I stopped by the house and my Lady Terrie aka Tweet, came and got me where I park the truck. I could tell by the tired sound of her voice it had been a long day. She works consistent 14 hour days and is in the middle of moving the Pharmacy that she manages to a new building. She is constantly in motion in order to keep the move on schedule. She took a spill the other day and the bruises and soreness are severe. So When I got Home I grabbed some Olive Oil and some Lavender Oil. Lavender Oil is excellent for sore muscles and bruising. you can get Lavender at most health food stores or order it online, I mixed 6 tablespoons of Olive Oil and 5 or 6 shakes of (maybe 20 drops?) Lavender together, Then I scrounged up a bunch of Essential Oils that we have collected over the years and dumped them in the mix too! I wish we had a massage table but the bed will make do just make sure you put down a towel to keep the oil off of the Mattress. I was worried that the Olive-Lavender was going to become a sticky mess on her back but within 15 minutes it was completely absorbed and left her skin soft and smooth, you would be amazed at what a good workout giving a massage can be, (especially when the bed is too low). I really recommend investing in a massage table. At any rate Tweet said she felt a lot better and I got to enjoy a nice workout and hit the sack with a happy sweetie and the smell of Lavender throughout the house!!! B |
March 2020
AuthorBeen trucking since 96. My main interest is having a good healthy life. Categories