I had the day off so I jumped on my folding bike friday and headed to the uptown for a Coffee. Called a friend he was moving so I decided to be ambitious and lend a hand. His House has stairs, Holy Moly what a workout, I forgot what real labor is all about. lol. It was cool to hang out with an old friend and the Calorie Burning level is definitely up there. So if you are looking for a great Workout, lend a hand to someone moving and enjoy the good workout and good company of a friend to boot!!
The Last week has been sort of rough, I haven't been doing my Kettlebell Workout like I should, because I hurt my hip (motorcycle Spill) and family visiting from out of town means late dinners and later quality time with Bro and some good micro beers needless to say I am maintaining around 309 last I checked. Hopefully this next week I can get back with the program. B
According to Gary Scott who blogs about Ecaudor, and has spent a lot of time living among Shaman's in Ecuador if you lose weight your Brain also improves http://www.garyascott.com/2011/04/26/13551.html?utm_source=Gary+A.+Scott+Newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=b
mp 182 on I 84 near Twin Falls is an old school truck stop. The reason I like to stop here is the restaurant I like their salad bar actually I find their made from scratch soups excellent!!! They also have a Drivers Lounge downstairs with a comfortable place to read or watch TV and 3 bathrooms for drivers only!!! ![]() Garden of Eden Truck Stop Eden, Idaho has a Taco Time and Sub Shop also if you don't feel like a sit down meal..though I recommend a sit down meal for a nice break from the road. ![]() The Salad Bar. Excellent Healthy Trucker Food. Excellent Soup!!! The Salad Bar is usually open till 11:00 Pm though my trucker diet doesn't allow me to eat that late. They did a study which finds a high fat low calorie diet reverses kidney damage in mice. Although it is highly unlikely the diet could be used by humans still food for thought. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-13134292
So I came in off the road, weighed myself and I was down to 305 Whoo Hoo!! then I decided to enjoy my time off with a Ride on my Motorcycle. I have a Suzuki DR650 Dual Sport I was enjoying the spring day driving through West Richland when I decided to try and take my "Dual Sport" off road up this dirt track up a steep hill, everything was going just fine when I came over a rise and there was this little sandy area, well about halfway over the sand dune my tires started sinking into the sand and I was in danger of getting stuck so I gunned it hard. The little enduro did great sand flew every where but I made it across the sand. Then I guess I wasnt expecting the change of surface because when I hit the hardscrabble I wiped out. Ouch!! after I finnished picking the sand out of my Teeth I was headed back home but I decided I better stop at Ty's Taver in West Richland for a few ice cold beverages to calm my nerves. Then my Lady Tweet didnt get off work till late so it was off to Ray's for more Ice cold beverages and then a very late dinner. So this AM I was very disappointed when I found I am back up to 310 Wow amazing how fast you can go from doing great to Not so great. Moral of the story, Dont Go Home. Kidding. just Avoid Partying like a rock star on your home time. Peace Out B
This Restaurant is called Waraguma it is in San Pedro Belize. I dont know anything about this guy or his product but I like the Video. Ok, so if you are obese like me then there are a few things you need to know. Part of my Journey back to health began with a visit to my Doctor. Two Common Health Problems for Truckers are Diabetes and Sleep Apnea. When I went in for my Physical one thing my Doctor did was order a blood sugar screening. We found that I was borderline diabetic so he put me on Metformin which help get my blood sugar down to normal. You can actually make yourself diabetic by allowing yourself to get overweight, or you might be overweight in part because you are Diabetic!! At any rate by losing weight you can actually (in some cases) make your Diabetes Go Away!!
Then my Doctor ordered a sleep study and found that I have a pretty severe case of sleep apnea. Sleep Apnea can be both a cause of weight gain or can be caused by weight gain, Sleep Apnea means that you cant breath right while sleeping so you dont get quality sleep time. I now have a small machine that keeps my airway clear called a Cpap which I take with me on the road. I have grown to love this thing. It is really nice to be able to put in a full day on the road without having to take many naps!! Quality sleep time also helps your body repair itself, and is crucial for weight loss. So Driver I really recommend the first thing you do in order to lose weight and live the healthy trucker life, is visit your Doctor, get a physical and get checked out for Diabetes and Sleep Apnea! B I have already blogged about Buzz Inn at my Website http://www.highwaymanonline.com but I really need to mention the fact that the food at the Buzz Inn is top notch Too! I keep ordering the Taco Salad every time I go in there because it just tastes good. That said it is the Coffee with the Giant Size Mugs that gets me through the door and the Good Food is the Icing on the Cake. ![]() Mmmm Coffee and Taco Salad for a satisfying healthy trucker feast!!! If you like an "Old School" Truckstop then you should stop here and check out the Food. The Food and the Service are both top notch! King City Truckstop is on hwy 395 right by the hwy 182 split.
So If you are driving through Bozeman Mt and you feel like having a sit down meal I would like to recommend Johnny Carinos Country Italian Restaurant. Take Exit 304 go to the Rest Area, Park walk to the crosswalk look out for traffic and there you are. It is right across the street from the rest area. ![]() I love their bottomless Pasta and Salad for 8.99 ![]() You can have either a Caesar Salad or thehouse salad and Both! if you choose. I love Mexican Food, Unfortunately it can be hard to find the real authentic good stuff up here in the pacific northwest unless you go to a Taco wagon. I cant count the times I have walked into a sit down mexican restaurant ordered the Combo Platter with Enchiladas Tacos and a Chili Relleno only to be bitterly Disappointed. It usually comes out on a huge platter completely covered with melted cheese and thats it no chilis, no Lime,not even some cilantro to add a little freshness and color. You Dig in expecting to get the tang of Chili's, onions, tomatoes and spices and instead you get Blah!, Nothing, so I ask the waitress for some Salsa and she either hands me some store bought hotsauce in a bottle or brings me the stuff made from tomatoes in a can with a few onions and almost no Chili Pepper, the same stuff they brough you to dip your chips in. I dump the entire container of "Woosie" salsa on my Food, choke down half my plate and as im leaving make a phone call to a Travel Agent to get me a ticket to Mexico. I once finished eating at a very "Expensive" sit down Mexican restaurant, got in my car, and drove straight to a Taco Wagon to un traumatize my taste buds (I am being 100% serious when I say this). Then we discovered Robertos Taco Shop in Kennewick Washington, It is the real deal completely non pretentious Mexican Soul Food. I almost wept great trucker tears of joy when I saw the fat freshly roasted jalapenos and fried onions sitting there beside the condiment Tray, heaped with fresh cilantro and Hand made Salsas and Red Chili Peppers. The wonderful thing about Roberto's is they are open 24 hours. The not so good thing is they are located fairly far from any good truck parking. So Driver if you are in the mood for Real Mexican food and are in Tri Cities Wa. Park your truck wherever you can find parking, maybe at the King City truck stop in Pasco or the little one on 395 going through kennewick and call, Tri City Taxi. (509) 547-7777 tell them to take you to Roberto's ![]() A Taco Wagon Without the wagon ![]() Mexican Mouth Heroin at Robertos Taco Shop and its healthy too! A Short Walk Down the Street from the Baker Truck Stop next door to Taco Time is a small Restaurant called Porchibees. I know I sometimes Blog about eating Twinkies for Lunch but I am definitely not adverse to eating good healthy food, especially when it tastes this good! ![]() Healthy Food that wont weigh You Down! I had the Thai Chicken Rice and of course it Rocked! The only problem with Porchibees is they are not open all day except on Fridays. closed saturday,sunday, and Monday but you can catch them for lunch from 12 to 2:30 tuesday through Thursday. I definitely think It is worth the 8 minute walk to get there, plus a walk never hurt anybody! ![]() The Only Truckstop in La Grande Oregon The flying J has a diamond hiding amongst the Burgers and Burritos in the Deli Case. Most every Truck Stop has something that makes it Unique, what makes the Flying J In La Grande Oregon Worth a Stop in my opinion, is their Home Made Pot Roast Sandwich. True Royalty in the Pantheon of American Trucker Food. ![]() A Prince among Trucker Food Royalty Carrots, Onions,Pork and sometimes Beef and Savory Spices The Flying J in La Grande Oregon has created a culinary masterpiece. Typically I start Fantasizing about one of these Babies about the port of entry in Hermiston. By the Time I cross the Scales coming into La Grande Oregon. I am Positively Drooling. I love Seattle. The Mist Rolling off of the Water, The Pike Street Market, being able to jump on a bus or the light rail and go anywhere cheap. and The Restaurants oh yes the Restaurants. I was layed over In Seattle having my truck worked on so I jumped on the light Rail in Tukwilla and headed north to Downtown. I got of at the Westlake Terminal headed north on third street, It was 4:00 and I was famished so I started looking for a place to dine. I found "Serious Pie" on Virginia St Just west of 3rd. http://tomdouglas.com/index.php?page=serious-pie ![]() Serious Pie = Delicious Healthy Trucker Food in Seattle Tuscan Kale Salad with Pine Nuts anyone? Sure was tasty. ![]() Some seriously good Healthy Gourmet Food, Serious Pie in Seattle The Happy Hour Special at Serious Pie is your Choice of 6 different personal size Pan Pizzas for 5 bux each. I ordered four (had to try the different types) here is my favorite. Sweet Fennel Sausage, Roasted peppers and Provolone. ![]() The Menu at Serious Pizza in Seattle Here is the Menu so you can get an Idea of the prices, Just Click on Photo to enlarge. |
March 2020
AuthorBeen trucking since 96. My main interest is having a good healthy life. Categories