A friend of mine was telling me about a special type of Vitamin C that is 90% absorbable by humans. Thats awesome because most of the vitamin C we get our bodies filter out so we don't get the full benefit of them. That is why they have I.V. Vitamin C Therapy. I.V. Vitamin C therapy is supposed to be good for everything from helping to fight cancer and to reverse heart disease to supercharging the immune system and doing battle against twentieth century scourges like Hepatitis C. this Liposomal Vitamin C is by some accounts just as good or even better than I.V. Vitamin C Therapy. Liposomal Vitamin C can also be expensive to buy at the health food store. So, when my friend Shawn offered to make me some of this super charged "Liposomal" Vitamin C I wasn't about to refuse that offer. He was even nice enough to let me video tape him making it.
Here are some completely Vegan Spicy Sausages made by the Grain Meat Co. I found at Safeway. I know I've blogged about being (the worlds worst) vegetarian and it seems like, since I've started trucking again, that all semblance of being vegetarian has flown out the window. So, when I get home, I try and make up for lost time and eat more vegetarian. This was breakfast recently. You might notice the eggs. They don't qualify as Vegan but they are free range from our own chickens. Ahh…Vegetarian sausage with our own free range high omega three eggs. A breakfast fit for a carnivore, withought the carnivor guilt... Well I'm back to square one. It took me Exactly one month to the day to lose the nine pounds I put on in two weeks, by becoming an all night drinking 2 a.m. Nacho snarfing fiend. I fell off the wagon and broke every rule I'd set for myself on my Trucker Diet and paid the price. I realize now, that when one starts a new endeavor whether it's losing weight or any project, it's important to approach it with humility. Well now, my only question is have I hit a plateau? When I first started my Trucker Diet almost two years ago I remember the weight just seemed to fall off me. All the way from 354 down to 297 however, once I reached my internal goal of getting below 300 I kind of let down and jumped off the wave so to speak, maybe it was the excitement of finding this new way of living that made it fun, but like everything the newness wore off. Also keep in mind, one of my favorite things in the world is food, and this diet was created to allow me to enjoy eating how much, and whatever I want. However, there are still rules that one needs to follow. So, has my body established some kind of set point? Am I going to be able to get back down below 300 lbs using my Trucker Diet? The next few months will be interesting.
I was making a drop in Seattle and had an electrical issue that needs to be resolved so I got to spend the day at the company yard. It was around noon, I hadn't eaten yet, and I was starving. Being a Sunday there was no one around to loan me a car and my trusty Chevy S-10 truck is broke down so it meant if I wanted to eat I was going to have to walk. Thats O.k. Walking is great exercise and at the end of the walk would be some tasty mexican food and an ice cold beverage at Jaliscos in Southpark Seattle only about a mile and change away from the yard. One Amazing thing about the Seattle area that I had forgotten, is it seems like almost every vacant lot or peice of land is covered in blackberries. I snapped a photo here of one of Seattles many blackberrie patches beside the road, waiting to be picked by a hungry trucker to fuel his walk. Man those blackberries were thick on those vines. I bet someone could make a nice side business just picking blackberries around Seattle!!! If you click the photos they will expand! So you can see the succulent blackberreis! Two Blackberries waiting to become fuel for a truckers walkabout Seattle. Heading north through Roseburg on I-5, I was feeling tired turned on the radio and the next thing you know I'd made it all the way to the Pilot Truck Stop at Rice Hill. I'd been listening to some music called "Afro Beat" one song I liked in particular was by a group from back in 1978 called The Sumo Brothers. This music lifted me up and got me out of the long haul blues…I liked the horn section in particular. Sorry I didn't catch the call letters to that station in Roseburg (Pretty sure the station was 88.1) Enjoy... What trip to SoCal would be complete without a stop in Baker. It was 7 p.m. Too late to eat according to my trucker diet. So of course I had to eat any way. After all what if I was hit by lightening or a semi and I hadn't gotten to eat at the Mad Greek? Socrates would have agreed with such astute logic I'm sure. Besides it was a Greek Salad with flat bread and Tzaziki. They threw in the large green tea and knocked 10% off because I have a CDL. Now thats my kind of place!!! The Mad Greek in Baker Ca…There's also plenty of truck parking. I had dinner early today (3:45 p.m.) a large 16 Oz granola/yogurt cup at the flying J in La grande Or. I had been planning on something more substantial but the fuel card readers weren't working and I didn't want to deal with the hassle so I passed on fuel and on a real dinner and grabbed the yogurt. Tonight around 9 p.m. I started to get hungry. Thank goodness my Trucker Diet has an emergency hunger clause. I'm allowed to have a piece of fruit or a slice of bread or crackers if I get hungry after 6 p.m. and or before bed. I was tempted to cheat with the chili cheese nachos I saw winking at me, but after my diet melt down a few weeks ago I steeled my will. Thank goodness for a basket of bannanas by the fuel desk. It must have been destiny. Yay… So I'm on my way to L.A. Where I'm going to have to stay in a hotel for 3 days while my new california exhaust system is installed. This could be tough. Three days in a hotel and I will be tempted to find entertainment at night involving music and ice cold beverages (not necessarily in that order). No, I'm going to be strong and sit in my hotel room and work on writing my book. A supreme test of will, can I prevail? Stay tuned...
March 2020
AuthorBeen trucking since 96. My main interest is having a good healthy life. Categories