Back in the 80's there was this super smart guy that did a study and found flax seed oil helped with depression. I found this at "Dr. Donald O. Rudin, Director of the Department of Molecular Biology at Eastern Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute found that within two hours, patients who had various mental disorders experienced improved mood and their depression lifted with flax seed oil."
So, In the morning I've been grinding up a couple tablespoons of Bobs Red Mill flaxseed and adding it to my granola or sometimes I just put it in a little bowl with some milk and eat it straight. It has a nutty flavor and reminds me of the wheatgerm my great grandma Rosa Cooper used to give me when I was a wee lad. Make sure you grind the seeds up first using a coffee grinder though, otherwise most of them will pass through withought giving the nutritious goodness locked inside!!! You can order some online here.