"Not exercising worse for your health than smoking, diabetes and heart disease, study reveals"
The Kettlebell Swing Workout... Shipping Team,
Good Morning October 19th 2018 Today in 1973 Richard Nixon rejects an appeals court decision to turn over the Watergate Tapes. Today in 1987 the U.S. Dow Jones Industrial Average loses 508 points or 22%, and is called black Monday. It's the birthday of Oceanographer, Walter Munk (1917) who at age 101 still works for SCRIPS, who in 1963 lived with his family for almost a year in American Samoa to work on an experiment he devised to prove ocean waves lose very little energy on their way around the globe, (thus founding modern surf forecasting.) Munk also proved the same side of the Moon always faces the earth due to tidal locking. On such a great date with what shipping challenge may we assist You? All referrals are accepted with gratitude. Thank You Back in the 20th century somebody decided it was a good idea to stock some Patagonia rivers in Southern Chile with Columbia River Chinook Salmon. Due to the clean water and almost no dams on these rivers, the salmon are thriving there. In fact according to one article I read at clancyfishing.com they were hard pressed to catch anything under 40 lbs. And after You catch your South American Chinook's AKA King Salmon. You can have them for dinner, and reap the health benefits of eating fresh, high omega three, and mostly mercury/PCB free fish....
The folks in this article eat as much as they want but there's a kicker.
Watch The Full Tampopo HERE... And:
According to The Electronic Frontiers Foundation, "The Senate is considering legislation meant to protect free and fair elections in the U.S. But one of the current proposals doesn’t include the two most important elements: universal paper ballots, and automatic “risk-limiting” audits. Let’s tell the Senate: if it doesn't include these essential features, it's not a real election security bill." Is this important to YOU? Here's a link to an article from EFF who are spearheading an effort so YOU can let Your Senator know this is important to YOU. California and other states are fighting to keep the internet neutral. As an entrepreneur who works remote, I know I think it's crucial.
"The wildly successful vote comes only a week after the net neutrality-themed scandal in which Verizon Wireless throttled cellular data for the Santa Clara County Fire Department, which was at the time engaged with the largest wildfire on California record. Verizon claimed that the throttling of internet data for fire rescue teams in the field had “nothing to do with net neutrality.” They were selling boxes of limes for $26 at the local cash and carry so I decided to pick one up. It worked out to about a dime a lime...Nice rhyme. But I digress. So my friend stops by and I started squeezing limes to make us some lime aid. I'd squeezed 3 limes into his glass and was going to fill it with some water and stevia when he grabs the glass gives me a wink and downs the entire thing! No water, no stevia, just pure fresh squeezed lime juice. Whoa that's pretty sour Harry! Harry just gave me a wink and says "any fresh juice is good for You and limes are great for your liver and they help with digestion and have a low glycemic index." Yes, I know says I and I recently blogged about it, how they are loaded with vitamin C which has been shown helps your body break down fat when exercising. One lime has 22% of the vitamin c your body requires according to the DEA or FDC or one of those governmental organizations that we can't live without. I also think limes have have what I call Unicorn benefits, Unicorn benefits are the ones with no factual basis in the real world which can make them seem even more real and special, like the fact they are green. green is without a doubt one of the coolest colors and like a Unicorn make me smile. Limes may also have OTHER Unicorn benefits that science still doesn't know about.
What do Facebook and other Social Media companies have in common? They all work overtime to get You addicted; according to Business Insider.
After a day of way to much food and drink on Saturday. Sunday seemed perfect to fast. I did drink plenty of water with half a lime squeezed in the glass. This morning thirty hours later. I've broken fast and feel great, in fact it's noon and my eyes haven't been blurry at all. So I think this fast was a positive.
Turns out limes can help You lose weight, cure piles (hemorrhoids) and Prevent Gout and due to its high citric acid content it neutralizes uric acid (the cause of gout) and prevents inflammation which is the cause of other types of arthritis too.
Lime juice turns alkaline in your gut, which helps heal ulcers. .Limes also help lower blood pressure, are high in soluble fiber and have a very low glycemic index which mean they are good for diabetics too... Limes are also very good against many forms of cancer due to to their phyto nutrients having cancer cell killing properties and the alkalizing effect they have on the entire human system...Limes of course are also great for gum inflammation and the prevention of scurvy. The prevention of scurvy is one reason the British were sometimes called Limy's (which beats being called "scurvy dog's") because they brought limes aboard the ship to chew on. The sailors also didn't mind having limes aboard ship, because when the limes grew old, hard and were no longer useful the sailors could use them for cricket practice. So, I've been having pains that run from my left side down into my stomach up into my chest, and even up my left arm. What to do?
I chose not to pay for health insurance due to the high monthly cost and insane deductible's and now I'm having pain. If I go to the emergency room they'll put me through a battery of tests with thousands of dollars of medical bills. With the paltry 30k I earn as an independent contractor I'll be ruined, destined to medical bankruptcy and maybe homelessness. It was time to find my inner Guru. I head into the living room and sit, let my eyes close, quiet my mind.... Don't have long to wait. "Chocolate,..." the soft seductive voice whispers...My inner medical Guru happens to be a beautiful woman, I stand, deliberate, with purpose, and head to the kitchen. Open the cupboard, grab the yellow and brown cocoa container purchased the week before at Safeway. "No You fool," comes the soft Gandalfian voice, "That chocolate has sugar in it, and You're diabetic" I remember from my childhood that dark brown can of Hershey's unsweetened my mom used to keep. I head to Safeway, find the baking section, grab an eight oz. can of natural cocoa powder( unsweetened). Back at the house, fire up the Keurig and fill my cup with coffee...My Guru coughs, I expect her to say something regarding the coffee, but she keeps her cool, I continue, take two heaping tablespoons of the sugar free cocoa, stir it into the cup, Then add two tablespoons of stevia powder to the elixir...Take a sip, find it chocolaty good! Head back to my office and start back to work. An hour later, stretch, and take a mental scan, tell myself the pain is easing.. I head to the kitchen for another cup. This time decide to make Mexican hot chocolate. I use the same Keurig cup as before and add cinnamon and Carolina Reaper chili powder...Again my Guru's silent. I continue this routine the rest of the day. That night I sleep fitfully, and dream of chickens laying golden eggs..., I awake to a loud shout. look over to where my wife has the pillow over her head. In a defiant rage, She throws the pillow across the room, heads to the bathroom, Returns, lighting a match, cupping it in her hands then waves it over the bed, then another, "Dude, what hell? I'm buying You Beano"... When I awake the next day, wife's gone and so is the pain... Two days now taking my chocolate elixir. The pain hasn't returned. Was it a three day gas bubble? or is it the chocolate making my heart and veins relax, and platelets stop clumping? All I know is I'm still here...And my Guru isn't talking. Stay tuned... In the morning before work, I sometimes add cocoa to my coffee. After an hour or two I find my eyes going so blurry I have to take a break. So I decided to try a trick to see if the blurs were caused by the sugar in my cocoa. Instead of using the regular cocoa with sugar added, I purchased Hersheys Natural Cocoa Powder (unsweetened) from the baking section of Safeway and added stevia zero calorie powder as the sweetener.
I can't tell the difference in flavor using stevia vs sugar, but I find I can focus better longer than when I imbibe sugar. If your feeling brave and want to add even more pep, try adding Carolina Reaper Pepper powder and some cinnamon to your cup. You can also purchase the Dutch Cocoa Powder in the baking section, but it's not as nutritionally dense as the Natural Cocoa because they use a chemical to make it less acidic. It's a smoother (blander) taste and You have to add twice as much for the same nutritional benefit. One more benefit to adding cocoa to my coffee, is I can use the same Kcup over a few times instead of once, because it still imparts the coffee goodness into the chocolate. Update 7-24-18: Regarding the Blur's My eyes starded getting blurry again so I decided to do some more research and I just found an interesting article that blurry eyes can be caused by metformin use. The short term Blur's that happen soon after starting the drug, may be caused because metformin lowers your blood sugar and your eyes haven't adapted yet to this new healthier existence. If You've been taking metformin for a few years though the blurry eyes could be caused by metformin blocking the absorption of nutrients like Vitamin B-12 and Co Enzym Q10. B12 helps your body maintain and protect your nerve sheathe's including the nerves to your eye's so if You start getting the "blur's" and You take metformin driver consider picking yourself up some B12 I blog about the best form of B12 here... And consider using my Trucker Diet to loose the weight so You can get off the meformin or decrease the dose. So if You're like me there may be times when You feel like taking a chug of milk. You may want to think twice. It turns out that when scientists wan't to study aging on lab animals and artificially "age them." they feed them D-Galactose. D-Galactose is milk sugar found in milk but not to worry because You won't find it in fermented milk products like cheese or yogurt. According to sciencedirect.com "The administration of D-galactose into animals can induce aspects of brain aging similar in many ways to human brain aging, including memory deficit, neuronal degeneration and apoptosis, (apoptosis means "cell death") raised oxidative stress, decreased ATPproduction, increased mitochondrial DNA mutation, impaired mitochondrial structure and control of abnormal gene expression in the brain (Banji et al., 2014; Kumar et al., 2009; Lei et al., 2008; Prakash and Kumar, 2013; Ullah et al., 2015)"." So Next time You feel the urge to chug some milk You may want to consider a nice glass of water instead. They put Phthalates in plastic to make it flexible but it's a powerful hormone disruptor and especially bad for kids, and if You like to eat out You're getting a lot. Here's an article from the Guardian.
I found this Photo of Ecuadorian Easter Soup (Not my Photo) and have decided to take my new Transcend Mini Cpap on an Ecuadorian Adventure to find the meaning of this...
March 2020
AuthorBeen trucking since 96. My main interest is having a good healthy life. Categories