So needless to say I have been looking for alternative Soaps that dont carry SLS. enter Dr. Bronners Magic Soaps. Dr Bronners soap is made the old fashioned way. A method that the good Dr. brought back from Germany. Dr Bronners also uses organic oils. You can buy this excellent soap in many different flavors including Lavender, tea tree oil and almond, my favorite is Peppermint. I use it as a shower gel and also to shave with. I never get razor burn using it and I suspect this is because it has Hemp oil which is loaded with healthy fatty acids which keeps your skin protected and feeling young. You can buy Dr. Bronners at most health food stores. And some top end Grocery Stores too!! You can also find it on Amazon and have it delivered right to your door. The only down side to Dr. Bronners Soap is that the lid likes to gum up when it gets cold. I solve this problem by holding it under warm water, then unscrewing the lid and blowing out the soap plug, then replacing the lid. B