So, he went to a provider where he lived to get his physical, expecting it to be an in and out the door visit. Well, it turns out my friend who is in his 50's has hypertension (140/90 is the cutoff) so he's going to have to get that under control. Then the person performing the physical told him that because his BMI-Body Mass Index was over 35 he was going to have to see a sleep doctor and make sure he doesn't have sleep apnea. So my friend was given a three month conditional medical card.
My friend isn't looking forward to getting an exam done for sleep apnea. He's one of those drivers that starts driving around six a.m. and is often done for the day before six at night. He doesn't stop for naps he says because he sleeps good and doesn't get tired during his shift. I'm going to try and keep up with him. I'm interested to know more about the process he's going through and how many "hoops" he's going to have to jump through. I'm also interested to know how much out of pocket he's going to have to pay before all of this is said and done.
For those of you drivers worried about your Body Mass Index. (BMI) being too high, (over 35 BMI is the cutoff for sleep apnea testing) Feel free to use the BMI calculator below I borrowed from the CDC.